Customer testimonials

They are satisfied with FEGE equipment: discover below the testimonials of our customers.

The sparkling wine production process requires several manipulations making the production process complex. We have decided to invest in two robots in order to avoid any constraints related to the shutdown of one of the robots. We have nearly doubled our transfer capacity in comparison to what we had installed before. We have surpassed the 600 000 bottles per week marker. FEGE has distinguished itself by its human interactions

Sylvain, Westhalten General Manager at BESTHEIM

We put a retractable sleeve on the bottlesmeaning that we cannot stop the products that are in the sleever. During a line stop, the Accutronic is used to completely drainthe sleever. Before, the Accutronic, we had a fixed conveyor but the glass bottles used to collide with one another at each machine stop. With the Accutronic, we have reduced the noise level on the line since we now accumulate the bottles without any pressure.

Julien, Technical Project Manager at COURVOISIER SAS

FEGE is an implicated and reliable company that takes care of projects from A to Z. The equipments they offer are reliable and robust. The company offers innovative solutions using new techologies. Their solutions are always secure for our employees and are really solutions you can always count on.

Michel, Maintenance Manager at CHAMPAGNE MERCIER

We have called upon FEGE to replace the numerical control on an equipment installed back in 2003. The Automation engineer has reuploaded the program and has launched the machinery back in production. FEGE has quickly intervened on our site. In addition to the reliability of their equipment, we have appreciated the quality of the service provided by the company.

Michel, Technical Manager at PIERVAL - ROXANE

Nous avons confié à la société FEGE un projet d’automatisation de fin de ligne de conditionnement. Le projet consistait à automatiser l’encaissage de nos produits (en caisse américaine ou en plateau), la palettisation ainsi que la manutention des palettes finies en automatisant le filmage et le gerbage des palettes. Les principaux défis de ce projet étaient la gestion de la diversité avec un nombre de formats à développer important mais surtout l’intégration de la solution complète dans l’atelier où l’espace disponible était restreint.

Durant tout le projet, nous avons eu des échanges réguliers et constructifs avec la société FEGE sur l’implantation et nous avons pu sans problème ajuster la solution technique pendant toute la phase d’étude afin de prendre en compte l’ensemble de nos exigences. Le point fort des machines FEGE, c’est la qualité de la conception, de la réalisation et la robustesse de l’installation qui a fait que l’équipement a pu démarrer très rapidement en production.

Antoine, Process Engineer at JOHNSON & JOHNSON